Saturday, November 23, 2013

Collecting John Pickford: Interesting observations from Wargames Foundry

Those that have been following the developement at Wargames Foundry will know that the Ansell's have taken over full management of Wargames Foundry, again.
Not only have they been re-releasing lots and lots of miniatures thought "lost" - but the Ansell's (Bryan and Marcus) have also been willing to share lots of information about Foundry, the Foundry history and all the miniatures they have moulded over they years. It's been a great joy following.

At Facebook/Pinterest I came cross these interesting pictures and comments from Bryan Ansell - relevant for my collecting quest :)

Certainly news to me. Know that there's some Orc Comannd figures (to go with Kev Adam's Orc) out there that John had his hands on, but not 100% sure which ones - nor am I sure that John remember's, either!
And I haven't even got all the current available Pickford Foundry's (I know of) yet - and now these Dwarfs ....! Well, shouldn't complain really - as it's only just more stuff to collect :-D

1 comment:

  1. Very cool...nice looking figures. You are turning into quite the Pickford Archaeologist..which is near as obscure as my archaeological speciality....:) trust me the pay sucks but the work is fun!
