The Iron Mask Miniatures Kickstarter is coming to an end. Very recently, Gary Price gave pre-view of the last two bonus miniatures from the campaign, but I'm rather sure we haven't seen the last of him and his Iron Mask Project ;-)
The wave 2 sculpts that have been finish and are in some stage of moulding as we speak. Th miniatures are an ill-matched couple at first glance, but probably not that ill-matched if you look carefully enough :)
I present the Iron Mask Miniatures Beauty and the Beast:
Iron Mask Miniatures: Jussac the Ogre Captain
... and ....
Iron Mask Miniatures: Milady
Once again, a very strong set of sculpts by John Pickford that provides an almost 100 percent accurate copy of the original Colin Dixon art work. I'm so impressed.
Can't help, but speaking of Iron Mask and the KS I have to show you all the bonus figures I've just received:
First, the long anticipated and exceptional Dwarf Cardinal:
Dwarf Cardinal |
Then the King of Dwarfs - in all his glory:
The Dwarf King |
And then the fantastic and superb detailed vaguely ratlike M Roquefort:
M Roquefort with Rapier |
M Roquefort with alternative cup hand |
And last, the miniature we all have been waiting for - the Dwarf in Iron Mask - "class" ... just "class" :)
Dwarf in Iron Mask |
- and here with the lantern and Crossbow add ons |
A first wave set of all exceptional and beautifully sculpted miniature. Well worth every penny :-)