As posted back in June 2014
Iron Mask Miniatures/Gary Price's Kickstarter is soon to be fulfilled. I posted pictures of the WIP halflings back then and promised coming back when the Dwarf Queen has been done.
And what a beautiful girl she is. Another spectacular sculpt and will play the dwarf-queen-role in many game settings, just fine.
Here she is - in all her glory:
Iron Mask Miniatures: Dwarf Queen (green)
So the final 4 sculpts to fulfill the Iron Mask Kickstarter - ended up looking like this:
Iron Mask Miniatures: Dwarf Queen and Halflings Kickstarter Add-on's
An exceptional finish, and look much forward seeing them cast up in shiny white metal.
And speaking of Kickstarter fulfilments. A few weeks ago I received the last two campaign bonus figures. The wonderful Milady de l'elfe and the brute Ogre Captain Jussac.
Iron Mask Miniatures: Milady de l'elfe
Iron Mask Miniatures: Jussac, Ogre Captain
My box of Iron Mask goodies also included 2 sets of Special Hands and a set of Heavy Rapier hands, all to be used for personalizing your Dwarf Musketeers.
Set 1 - Crossbow, hat, torch, bottle, tankard closed and pipe |
Set 2 - lantern, bomb tankard open, lace handkerchief and goblet. There should have been a scroll hand as well, but unfortunately it missing from my little set (had 2 goblet hands instead), but pretty sure Gary will include one with the next shipment. |
Heavy rapiers |
The trained eye will see there's a hat holding hand here and will also know that all current dwarf heads already have hats on, so to make up for that a new bare head has been made - or actually 2 - and another 2 with hats on, so 4 new heads in all.
All these new items has been added to the living
Collecting-John-Pickford-wiki - Iron Mask section including this little (or could probably call it big) gem - the Mk. I Jussac, Ogre Captain.
The Ogre Captain's Hat had to be re-sculpted due to casting issues, and the plume was then made a separate piece, but Gary have kindly donated one of the successful master cast of the Mk. I version.