Tuesday, May 15, 2018

MM90 Painting Countdown: 14

I've already presented this to Sjoerd on Chaos Dwarfs Online (CDO), Sunday - but I'll give him a proper blog-update on here as well, though, I'm not 100% happy with him. My copy shows age. Lots of the sharp edges are gone - and flash/mould lines made the horns rather difficult working with - and then add to that how much I struggle painting blues ... So a rather difficult piece doing - and a real challenge he was

But here he is, Mr. Blue - the:

Marauder Miniatures: MM90/3d

And I know Sjoerd is struggling with this one too, but when he is done, I'm to call the new one. And it will be 12th one painted - so we are nearly half way now. Now how would have thought that ... :)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

MM90 Painting Countdown: 15

This one today, is a bit of a bonus piece, as Sjoerd forgot to bring his copy with him, back into the desert. And therefore, I couldn't call him and I went with the MM90/2a (as posted yesterday), but I felt an urge to paint Mr. Umbrella (the MM90/2b) up. And he might be the reason for falling behind in the latest challenge, who knows?

But it will not happen again, and I'll be focusing on painting the MM90/3d - which Sjoerd has called  next.

 - but my poor old "Arabian" friend didn't check the national calendar. If he had, he'd had known that Friday after Ascension Day is a holiday for most, here in Denmark. So I'm on top of this one ... - but don't tell him and let him sweat a bit :-D

And back on topic. Here's Mr. Red, the

Marauder Miniatures: MM90/2b

I just love this pose here. And must have been a challenge for Aly Morrison sculpting. Difficult to get these dynamic poses right on stunty little dwarfs with short arms and no knees. But this one here is just perfect, IMO.

So, here's the Umbrella-dwarf - the MM90/2b

Friday, May 11, 2018

MM90 Marauder Countdown: 16

After the horrible MM90/6c experience  I've put brushes on lots of unfinished stuff, but besides the Gnoll on Boar, nothing to a finale stage, yet.

But my detour from the MM90 Countdown Challenge was immediately exploit by Sjoerd and he posted this,Tuesday:

Darn, I thought I had all the time in the world to finish first, but apparently he was bluffing when he told stories about his son coming to Abu Dhabi and all ... Probably bought the kid Overwatch or Fornite and a stack of loot-boxes, so he could focus on just painting.

But I can feel the pressure, and I will need to focus - so Sjoerd, call the next one - cause I'm done, too - and here's my take on Quasimodo

Marauder Miniatures: MM90/2a 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Gnoll Anti-Hero on Boar

Luckily, during that terrible experience of painting the Marauder Miniature MM90/9c - and not to lose my sanity,  I've had something way more interesting to paint. So while washes and glazes were drying I spend time working on this awesome miniature here:

Gnoll (anti) hero on Boar

This Gnoll anti-hero is a private commissioned miniature - sculpted by John Pickford and is based on  an original Russ Nicholson art piece. James D., who has commissioned this awesome piece, has been a great fan of the Citadel Gnolls/Goblins FTG Fantasy Tribe range for years - and after a few chats with Russ Nicholson, Russ has produced a drawing of a Gnoll Anti-Hero on a boar mush close in style whit the old FTG-line.

In 2016 James then commissioned John to turn it into a miniature - and John did a fantastic job. An incredible piece with lots of curled little details, all over.

And by generosity of James D. I have in my possession one of a very few casts ever made. It's been sitting in the Wiki for documentation in a few months, but due to the house move, I just haven't had the time painting this awesome piece. But I made up for it during the awful experience it was paint the MM90/6c. Thank you Russ, John and James for keep me sane.

I haven't succeed finding the publication of the original art but by the courtesy of James D. I's been given the permission of showing it in here. I think John did a spectacular job and stayed very true to the original art work.

Lovely art and a spectacular miniature it is and it certainly got that wonderful Russ Nicholson feel to it.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

MM90 Painting Countdown: 17

Sjoerd asked me to hurry up, and so I did ... - and here it is ....

Marauder Miniatures: MM90/6c

I hate this one, I hate it, I hate it ... It's so soft, lacks interesting details and sooooo uninspiring ... almost killed the fun of painting MM90s. Luckily I'm to pick next one :)

EDIT 6th May - Sjoerd is done. You can read about his frustrations here: https://evillittlebuggers.blogspot.ae/2018/04/mm90-painting-countdown-16.html

And then it's my turn - and here's definitely a more interesting one - let's paint 'Quasimodo' - I'm calling the MM90/2a